A complaint has been filed before the Mumbai Police Commissioner by Bimbay High Court Advocate Ashish Rai, Pankaj Mishra about the day-to-day incidents happening with helpless children, women and elderly couples in the pandal of “Lalbaugcha Raja”.
In the complaint, mainly the inhuman acts being done to the general visitors and the negligence in the constitutional security arrangements due to the irresponsible management attitude of the Maharashtra State Administration, Mumbai Police Administration and the local pandal manager have been strongly raised.
It has been demanded in the complaint that, under Article 14 of the Right to Equality of the Constitution, equal security arrangements should be provided by the police administration of Maharashtra State without any discrimination between the VIPs and ordinary visitors.
During the darshan of the king of Lalbagh, on the arrival of any special guest or person, proper arrangements should be made to allow the common visitors to have darshan without any hindrance.
Further mention that in this complaint Under Article 21 of the Constitution, strong arrangements for security and facilities should be made for helpless children, women and elderly couples so that any untoward incident can be prevented from happening in the pandal in future.
Special police administration will be arranged in the pandal to immediately lodge complaints against helpless children, women and senior citizen, use of abusive language or molestation by the volunteer and other workers of the pandal, so that the visitors can avail the special facility of filing complaints. And these facility proper management should be done to guide.
Helpless children, women and elderly couples should be provided facilities under special arrangements during arrival and departure.